Tattoo Removal
Luxe Laser Center is the region’s top choice for tattoo removal, offering Laser Tattoo Removal for $140 per session, regardless of tattoo size, at our luxury Maumee facility.
We have brand-new Cynosure lasers with the best technology to remove any color of ink from any color of skin. Our top-tier lasers leave no scars or marks behind, and do not discolor the skin, so you’ll never know a tattoo was there.
We can also lighten tattoos in 1-2 sessions if you are planning a cover-up tattoo or recoloring of an existing tattoo. Our lasers are exact, so we can lighten any portion of a tattoo or the entire tattoo so that your artist doesn’t have to worry about the ghost of the old tattoo or dark lines that must be covered up. All of Toledo’s top artists send patients here for lightening.

Tattoo Removal Cost and Process
Each treatment is $140, and gets you up to 10 minutes of laser treatment, regardless of the size of the tattoo.
Most small/medium tattoos can easily be covered in that time. Larger tattoos such as full sleeves or large chest/back pieces may take additional time, but you can purchase as many time sessions as you like at each visit.
We offer a numbing cream for your tattoo removal that helps take some of the sting out for $10, and about half of our patients choose to use it. We also use super-cooled air to help numb the sensation while we remove the tattoo. We will cover the area as fast as you can handle so that you get the best value for your visit.
Tattoos typically take 5-10 treatments to reach complete removal. The main factors that affect the tattoo removal process are the brand of ink, depth and thickness of the ink, and color of the ink that was used in the tattoo.
Some brands of ink fade very quickly, while others are resilient, but we can’t tell what you have until we treat it 1-2 times.
We also offer the option of a “double-pulse” treatment, which is two sessions in the same visit, separated by 20 minutes. The result is nearly equivalent to two individual treatments, and can significantly reduce the overall time that it takes to fully remove the tattoo.

The second session of each visit is reduced in price because it takes less setup time, and is only $80. You can begin double-pulse treatment beginning with your second visit.
Call us at 419-893-2775 for more details or to set up an appointment.
Tattoo Removal Tips and Tricks
Always see a doctor!
Laser tattoo removal is a medical procedure, and should not be performed by anyone other than a cosmetic doctor.
The "pico" isn't worth it
We would use it if it worked better, but the only thing it does better is waste your money (and ours, see below). The pico treatments are expensive, but don’t work any faster.
Take care of your tattoo
Treat your removal just like you treat your new tattoos. Use plenty of moisturizer and be careful with the area for a few days.
Be careful in the sun!
You’ll be a little sensitive to sun and UV for a few days, so stay out of the tanning bed and wear sunblock if you’ll be outside a lot for several days after each treatment.
Numb it up
We sell take-home numbing cream for $10, or you can purchase lidocaine creams at most drug stores that work fairly well. Put it on 30 minutes before your treatment to reduce pain.
Don't pop blisters
If you get a blister, leave it alone. That’s how the body heals itself, so let it work and keep a band-aid over it until it pops on its own.
Not everyone is done in 4 treatments
The kind of ink your artist used is the most important factor when removing tattoos. Some ink comes right out, but some brands are more stubborn.
Do not inject chemicals!
The danger from this type of tattoo removal is real, and the results can be catastrophic. Don’t fall victim to non-medical treatment. Laser is far safer and far more effective.
Call us
We’re always happy to help. Call us at 419-893-2775 with questions or to talk to someone that has had it done.
PICO Tattoo Removal
The truth about Pico laser technology is that it serves the manufacturer, not the patient, and we want to clear up some common misconceptions.
For tattoo removal, the side-by-side comparison shows that the “older” Revlite SI that we use here actually works better. The Pico is the new laser from the same company, and they try to sell it as being better, but the reality is that it falls short. We’ve tested this ourselves, as we are a regional training facility.
The reason the Pico falls short is that it tries to do too many things. It’s a jack-of-all-trades laser that isn’t the best at any one thing because it’s too busy being pretty good at lots of things. We don’t use that kind of equipment because we would rather have the best laser for each category of service.
Why do they push it if it doesn’t work better? The Pico has consumables, namely a handpiece that gets replaced every few days. It creates a new revenue stream for the manufacturer, which is why they want us to use it. We don’t use it for tattoos because it drives the cost up without providing any benefit.
The Revlite SI remains the gold standard for tattoo removal, consistently beating the Pico in removal time and keeping the cost low because it doesn’t have consumable parts.
Call us if you’d like to chat about it. The Pico laser is a very interesting case for a business class, but it doesn’t make sense for tattoo removal patients. We only do what is best for you and what gets you the result you want in the shortest amount of time, and that’s the Revlite SI.